الخدمات المعروضة
I’m submitting a letter to express my strong desire to be considered for the position of “Arabic teacher” being offered by [Mesaieed international school Qatar]. I fully believe I’m qualified to fill the position and make great contributions to encourage the growth of an organization.
At this time, I am teaching at (QATAR QUEST CENTER ), which I find to be very rewarding. My role at has been primarily focused on planning educational activities using a variety of teaching materials in order to bring the Arabic language alive for the students.I have a lot of experience both inside Qatar and outside . I have a unique style of teaching in which I can create an environment where learning is fun. Students respond well to my tactics and I am sure that I can do the same for high school students. I have had to create activities to suit different age groups and be able to adapt and improvise where necessary.I have my degree in B.A at university of Abomey calavi republic of benin and university of Libya tripoly and deferent kind of certificate related to my field . I have the ability to plan classroom assignments to engage the students while making sure they are learning something new every day.
I have the training and skills needed to fill this position, which I have listed in detail in my resume. In addition, my daily planning does include a long-term goal that will ensure students meet the requirements set forth by the school. I also believe in being an active member of school functions and showing my support for the school anyway that I can. I love working with students and do not mind taking a little extra time to ensure all students are learning and meeting the requirements needed to pass the class.
Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience to set up a time to discuss how I can benefit your organization.You can reach me by calling and I hope to hear from you shortly, as I truly believe I am the right person for this job.
I have a unique style of teaching in which I can create an environment where learning is fun. Students respond well to my tactics and I am sure that I can do the same for high school students.
I have a unique styl